I have not been able to get the Graves Family out of my head
these last 2 days. My heart is breaking for them. Maybe it's because I look at
the picture of their sweet boy and I see my own boys. I see their smiles. I see
them playing and splashing in the water, like all boys love to do. I see us
spending a fun evening together on a sandy beach watching fireworks. I see my
boys picking up rocks and washing them off in the water so they can add them to
their rock treasure collection. I hear their laughter as they splash each other
in the water.
Then...I see myself looking away for a split second.
And I see disaster striking.
I imagine the sounds in my mind. The terror. The panic. The
I imagine the grief. The regret. The what-ifs. The unimaginable
And I just cry for this family. And pray. Because
parents....this could have been any one of us. There is not a parent among us
who can say that we can see our children 100% of the time. That we can foresee
every disaster that might strike 24 hours a day. Or that, even if we foresee it
seconds before, that we could get there in time to prevent it.
Those pointing fingers at this family should be ashamed. Ashamed because they are claiming to be
perfect parents. Ashamed because they
are not showing love and compassion to this family during this awful tragedy
that they are having to endure. Ashamed
because they are teaching their own children by example to harbor these same
arrogant and unfeeling, hateful attitudes towards others. Ashamed
because tomorrow, it could be them.
Friends, we are given these precious children by the Lord to
love and care for, to feed and clothe, to teach and train. We have no idea how many days and hours we
have to spend with each one here on earth.
As much as we may wish, we can't put our children in a bubble and
protect them from every accident that they may come in contact with throughout
their lives. We Just. Can't. Foresee.
But the Lord sees. He
sees our faults, he sees our failures.
He sees our children…and loves them even more than we do.
Our greatest task is not to prevent all accidents. It is to teach our children to love the Lord,
to serve Him, to have faith in the One that gave them life, so that when their
life on earth is over, they will have eternal life. And to do this, we should
be modeling Christ-like behavior in every way we can, every single day. So take a moment and love these parents. Pray for them with your children. Have compassion. Put yourself in their shoes. Show your children the way that Christ would
act in this situation.
And put down your weapons.
Stop accusing. Stop spewing hateful
words toward these parents. Stop
thinking that you are so much better than they are because "this would
just never happen to you". Stop pointing
your finger at these parents, and instead turn it on yourself. Have
you been perfect today?
It's so sad that when some people hear of a tragedy like this, the first things they do are point fingers, criticize and accuse the ones who are bearing this unimaginable sorrow - when we should be lifting them up in prayer to a loving and compassionate God who can comfort them like no other and give them the strength to go on. I don't know if little Lane's parents are saved, but shouldn't we be praying that they will be? That would be the perfect ending to the story - these parents being reunited with their little boy in Heaven - forever.